How much can I borrow?
The salary calculator is based on Gross salary x 4.5 times salary allowed and is an indicator of what some lenders may lend. We haven’t taken into account any current commitments they may reduce this amount. This figure should only be used as a guide, please contact us for personal and accurate advice.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or any debt secured upon it.
What will my mortgage cost?
This calculator is based on a capital repayment mortgage. This figure should only be used as a guide, please contact us for personal and accurate advice.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or any debt secured upon it.
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Need mortgage advice?
First-time buyer mortgage
There are many specialist First-Time Mortgages available. First-time buyers may need a mortgage with lower upfront costs and a lender that understands first-time buyers – but don’t worry, we’ll help you find this. Find out more about First-time buyer mortgages.
Buy-to-let mortgage
A buy-to-let mortgage is principally underwritten from property and not your income – but with our help, it needn’t be as tricky as it seems. Find out more about Buy-to-let mortgages.
Self-employed mortgage
Being self-employed shouldn’t be a barrier to you getting your mortgage – we know the lenders that look favourably at those who decide to control their own destiny – let us help you to find the right lender. Find out more about Self-employed mortgages.
Whether it’s for debt consolidation or home improvements, remortgaging could be a good option for you. Speak to us to find out more. Find out more about Remortgaging
Limited company mortgage
Taking out a mortgage as a limited company may be the more cost-effective option for you. Speak to us to find out how.
Find out more about Limited company mortgages.
Let-to-buy mortgage
Need to let out your old home to afford your new one? No problem. With our in-house experts involved, you’ll have things sorted in no time. Find out more about Let-to-buy mortgages.
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